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Krone demonstrates straw management


This week, Krone held a working demonstration of various straw management options on the 10,000ha Gsuk family farm in Hungary.

Some 140 journalists from 27 countries all around the world attended the event.

The event showcased Krone’s entire baler range. This included the full round baler line, starting with the Bellima, then the Fortima, Comprima, Comprima wrapper combination and finally the Ultima continuous round baler-wrapper combination unit.

On the square baler side, Krone again showcased and demonstrated the full range starting with the BiG Pack 870 HDP XC Multi Bale, followed by the BiG Pack 890XC, leading onto the larger BiG Pack 1290 HDP, BiG Pack 1290 HDP XC with a PreChop Unit, BiG Pack 1290 HDP XC, BiG Pack 1290 XC and finally the largest square baler Krone currently produce the BiG Pack 1290 HDP II XC.

Also at the event, Krone took the opportunity to conduct the world’s first public demonstration of their Premos 5000 mobile pellet harvester. This machine can turn straw into pellets which can then be used in various applications such as animal feed and bedding and also burning as a renewable fuel source.

The Premos has a working speed of between 3 and 5km/h and currently has an output of up to 5t/h. Pellets are completely produced in the 4m-long machine, which has a horsepower requirement of 400hp to run effectively.


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